The 100% Paraben, Resorcinal and PPD free permanent colour protects the hair from any possible damage and retains its moisture and protein levels so the hair is not damaged during the colouring process. Paraben are synthetic preservatives, Resorcinol is a toxic dye and PPD is a chemical substance, and their existence in hair dyes may cause skin irritations. The revolutionary NATURE’S COLOR minimizes the use of controver- sial ingredients and replaces them with the most organic and natural ingredients, and provides great colors with less sensitivity. With its delicate floral scent, it is pleasant to apply, resulting in healthier, satisfied clients and hair stylists.
Established on March 23, 2012 by Vincent Lee and Amy Ngo, Nature’s Organic Sense is a leading lifestyle hair care supplier offering luxurious, healthy products. We only use organic-certified ingredients with no harmful chemicals, giving you a complete range of premium haircare products and more that you can use over and over without worry.
We hope to inspire you to live healthier, just like us, and support eco-friendly brands that care for the greater environment, like ours!
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